- Fisher, R., Fox DR, Negri AP, van Dam J,Flores F,Koppel D. (2023) Methods for Estimating no-effect toxicity concentrations in ecotoxicology. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, doi.org/10.1002/ieam.4809
- Fisher, R Fox DR. (2023) Introducing the No-Significant-Effect Concentration. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. doi.org/10.1002/etc.5610
- Fox DR, Batley, G. (2022). Assessment Factors in Species Sensitivity Distributions for the Derivation of Guideline Values for Aquatic Contaminants. Environmental Chemistry, 19(3&4), 201-209. doi:10.1071/EN22061 (pdf file – 975K).
- Fox DR, Fisher R, Thorley, JL, Schwarz, C. (2022). Joint investigation into statistical methods underpinning the derivation of toxicant guideline values in Australia and New Zealand. Report preparared for the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Environmetrics Australia, Beaumaris, Vic. and the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Perth, WA. (162pp) (pdf file – 7.75Mb).
- Fox DR, (2021). A shiny future for Burrlioz. Presentation given at SETAC Australasia, August 30 – September 2, 2021, Melbourne Australia. (mp4 file – 131Mb).
- Fox DR, van Dam RA, Fisher R, Batley GE, Tillmanns AR, Thorley J, Schwarz DJ, Spry DJ, McTavish. (2021) Recent Developments in Species Sensitivity Distribution Modeling. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(2), 293-308 (pdf file – 975K).
- Fisher R, van Dam R, Batley G, Fox D, Harford A, Humphrey C, King C, Menendez P, Negri A, Proctor A, Shao Q, Stauber J, van Dam J and Warne M. (2019). Key issues in the derivation of water quality guideline values: a workshop report. Australian Institute of Marine Science Report, Crawley, WA, Australia. ( pdf file – 356K).
- Fox, DR. Smith, R., Landis, W. (2019) Statistical ecotoxicology: A crisis of confidence, or, why does it hurt when I P (<0.005)? Platform presentation, SETAC Europe 29th. Annual Meeting, Helsinki, May 26-30, 2019. ( pdf file – 2090K)
- Landis, WG., Smith, R, Fox, DR., (2019) Describing exposure-response to meet the requirements of ecological risk assessment. Platform presentation, SETAC Europe 29th. Annual Meeting, Helsinki, May 26-30, 2019.
- Smith, R, Fox, DR., Landis, WG., (2019) The hidden cost of not considering experiment-wise error rates in effluent monitoring. Platform presentation, SETAC Europe 29th. Annual Meeting, Helsinki, May 26-30, 2019.
- van Dam, R., Batley, G., Fisher, R., Fox, DR., Harford, A., Humphrey, C., Proctor, A., Stauber, J., Warne, M. (2018). Bringing water quality benchmark derivation approaches into the 21st. century. Paper presented at SETAC Europe, Rome 13-17 May 2018. ( pdf file – 356K).
- Landis, W.G. and Fox, D.R. (2018) Biomarkers, Omics, and the Curve, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 14: 419-420 ( pdf file – 356K)
- Warne MStJ, Batley GE, van Dam RA, Chapman JC, Fox DR, Hickey CW and Stauber JL. (2015). Revised Method for Deriving Australian and New Zealand Water Quality Guideline Values for Toxicants. Revised 12 October 2016. Prepared to support the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Brisbane, Queensland. 43 pp. ( pdf file – 679K)
- Fox, D.R. and Landis, W.G. (2016) Don’t be fooled – A NOEC is no substitute for a poor Concentration – Response experiment, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(9), 2141-2148. (pdf available here)
- Fox, D.R. and Landis, W.G. (2016) Comment on ET&C Perspectives, November 2015 – A Holistic View, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(6), 1337-1339. ( pdf file – 63K)
- Fox, D.R. (2016) SSD Modeling – it’s all about F! , Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12:197-198. ( pdf file – 135K)
- Fox, D.R. (2015) Selection Bias Correction for Species Sensitivity Distribution Modelling and Hazardous Concentration Estimation, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(11), 2555-2563. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: 1) Excel spreadsheet for bcf calculations; 2) Proof of equations 8 and 9.
- Fox, D.R. (2015) More Noise does not mean more precision: A review of Aldenberg and Rorije (2013), ATLA 43, 241-249. ( pdf file – 103K)
- Batley GE, Braga O, Van Dam R, Warne MStJ., Chapman JC, Fox DR, Hickey C, Stauber JL (2014) Technical Rationale for Changes to the Method for Deriving Australian and New Zealand Water Quality Guideline Values for Toxicants. Council of Australian Government’s Standing Council on Environment and Water (SCEW). ( pdf file – 905K) NB: This is an unapproved draft and is not to be used to develop water quality guidelines.
- Warne MStJ, Batley GE, Braga O, Chapman JC, Fox DR, Hickey C, Stauber JL, and Van Dam R. (2014) Regulatory use of SSDs in Australia and New Zealand. Estimating toxicity thresholds for aquatic ecological communities from sensitivity distributions. 11-13 February 2014 , Amsterdam. Workshop Report No. 28. European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals. pp 21. ( pdf file – 905K)
- Warne MStJ, Batley GE, Braga O, Chapman JC, Fox DR, Hickey C, Stauber JL, and Van Dam R. (2014) Revisions to the derivation of the Australian and New Zealand guidelines for toxicants in fresh and marine waters. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 21, 51-60. ( pdf file – 193K)
- Fox, D.R. and Billoir, E. (2013) “Time Dependent Species Sensitivity Distributions”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32(2), 378-383. (pdf file – 318K).
- Fox, D.R., Billoir, E., Charles, S., Delignette-Muller, M.L. and Lopez, C. (2012) , “What to do with NOECS/NOELS – Prohibition or Innovation?”, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 8, 764-766. (pdf file – 104K).
- Fox, D.R. (2011), “Response to Landis and Chapman (2011)”, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 8(1), 4. (pdf file – 52K).
- Fox, D.R. and Billoir, E. (2011) “Individual versus Population Effects in Concentration-Response Modelling”, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7, 501-502. (pdf file – 71K).
- Billoir, E. and Fox, D.R. (2011) “Time-dependent SSDs”, Paper presented at SETAC Milan, May 19, 2011. and Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology, Darwin, 19 April, 2011 (pdf file – 815K).
- Fox, D.R. (2011) “SSDs: Good Idea, Bad Practice”, Paper presented at SETAC Milan, May 18, 2011 and University of Lyon, May 23 2011. (pdf file – 1.67Mb).
- Fox, D.R. (2011) “Statistics and Ecotoxicology: Past, Present and Future”, Keynote address, Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology, Darwin, 18 April, 2011. (pdf file – 1.6Mb). [Click here for book of abstracts]
- Fox, D.R. (2010) “B-Tox: A Bayesian Facelift for Ecotoxicology”, in Proceedings JSM 2010, Vancouver, The American Statistical Association. (pdf file – 817K).
- Fox, D.R. (2010) “Statistics and Ecotoxicology: Shotgun Marriage or Enduring Partnership?”, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 6(3), 501-502. (pdf file – 114K).
- Fox, D.R. (2010) “A Bayesian approach for determining the no effect concentration and hazardous concentration in ecotoxicology”, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73(2), 123-131 . (pdf file – 545K).
- Fox, D.R. (2009) “Is the ECx a legitimate surrogate for a NOEC?”, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 5, 351-353. (pdf file – 2.93Mb) (Also available from http://www.setacjournals.org/archive/1551-3793/preprint/2009/pdf/10.1897_IEAM_2008-093.1.pdf)
- Fox, D.R. (2008) “NECs, NOECs, and the ECx“, Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 14, 7-9. (pdf file – 124K)
- Fox D.R. (2000). Using beta-content tolerance intervals to derive water quality guidelines. CSIRO Environmental Projects Office, Report EPO-TR/2000/3, Perth, Western Australia (pdf file – 26.4Mb).
- Fox, D.R. (1999) “Setting Water Quality Guidelines – A Statistician’s Perspective”. SETAC News, May 1999, 17-18. (pdf file – 250K)
- Fox, D.R. and Argent, R.M. (2009) “Catchment-wide estimation of sediment-nutrient loads”, In Anderssen, R.S., R.D. Braddock and L.T.H. Newham (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 4213-4219. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8. . (pdf file – 318K)
- Fox, D.R. (2008) “To IG or not to IG – that is the question”. Decision Point, 23, 10-11. ( pdf file – 293K)
- Fox, D.R., Ben-Haim, Y., Hayes, K.R., McCarthy, M.A., Wintle, B., and Dunstan, P. (2007) “An Info-Gap Approach to Power and Sample-size Calculations”. Environmetrics, 18, 189-203. (pdf file – 482K)
- George, J.A., Fox, D.R., and Canvin, R.W. (1983) A Hospital Throughput Model in the Context of Long Waiting Lists. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 34(1), 27-35. (pdf file – 675K)
- Fox, D.R., (1988) “Calibration in a non-stationary field. Unpublished manuscript. Department of Statistics, University of Wyoming. (pdf file – 611K)
- Fox, D.R. (1989) Conditional Calibration. Commun. Statist.-Theory Meth., 18(6), 2311-2330. (pdf file – 339K)
- Fox, D.R. (1991) Interval estimation in calibration models:An application of Fieller’s Theorem. Commun. Statist.-Theory Meth., 20(2), 711-720. ( pdf file – 339K)
- Fox, D.R. (1992) Orthogonal Calibration. Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado (Denver). (pdf file – 533K)
- Fox, D.R. (1987) Components of Variance Estimation in a Calibration Problem where both Variables are subject to Error. Technical report 3/87, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University of Technology. Perth, Western Australia. (pdf file – 961K)
- Fox, D.R. (1987) Statistical Calibration when both Variables are subject to Error. Technical report 5/87, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University of Technology. Perth, Western Australia. (pdf file – 1619K)
- Fox, D.R. (1989) Statistical Calibration: Theory and Applications. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Statistics, University of Wyoming. (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6)
Marine Ecotoxicology: Current Knowledge and Future Issues
Chapter 2 : Contemporary Methods for Statistical Design and Analysis by David R. Fox
Julian Blasco , Olivia Campana, Miriam Hampel, Peter M. Chapman
Academic Press, 1 Sep. 2016 – 342 pages
Marine Ecotoxicology: Current Knowledge and Future Issues is the first unified resource to cover issues related to contamination, responses, and testing techniques of saltwater from a toxicological perspective. With its unprecedented focus on marine environments and logical chapter progression, this book is useful to graduate students, ecotoxicologists, risk assessors, and regulators involved or interested in marine waters.
As human interaction with these environments increases, understanding of the pollutants and toxins introduced into the oceans becomes ever more critical, and this book builds a foundation of knowledge to assist scientists in studying, monitoring, and making decisions that affect both marine environments and human health.
A team of world renowned experts provide detailed analyses of the most common contaminants in marine environments and explain the design and purpose of toxicity testing methods, while exploring the future of ecotoxicology studies in relation to the world’s oceans. As the threat of increasing pollution in marine environments becomes an ever more tangible reality, Marine Ecotoxicology offers insights and guidance to mitigate that threat.
Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Analysis
- Thompson, C.J. and Fox, D.R. (2008) “Sampling and Inspection for Monitoring Threats to Homeland Security”, in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Analysis, Melnick, E. and Everitt, B. (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp 1600-1603. (pdf file – 100K)
- Fox, D.R. (2008) “Natural Resource Management”, in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Analysis, Melnick, E. and Everitt, B. (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp 1600-1603. (pdf file – 93K)
- Fox, D.R. and Burgman, M.A. (2008) “Ecological Risk Assessment”, in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Analysis, Melnick, E. and Everitt, B. (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp 1600-1603. (pdf file – 88K)
Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition
- D. Fox (2012). Risk assessment, ecological in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition, A.-H. El-Shaarawi and W. Piegorsch (eds). Wiley, UK, pp.2248-2257. (pdf file – 88K)
- Harris, G., Batley, G., Webster, I., Molloy, R. and Fox, D. (1998) Gippsland Lakes Environmental Audit: Review of Water Quality and Status of the aquatic ecosystems of the Gippsland Lakes (Published by CSIRO Environmental Projects Office, October 1998) (pdf file – 240K)
- Fox, D.R. (2007) Water Quality Monitoring in the Gippsland Catchments – Efficient Sampling Strategies and Load Estimation techniques. Occasional Report, The Australian Centre for Environmetrics, University of Melbourne. (pdf file – 1746K)
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Review of Effluent Disposal Options for Eastern Treatment Plant – Final Report (Published by CSIRO Environmental Projects Office, June 1999) (pdf file – 1.6 Mb)
- see also the “Totally Wild” video clip (go back to Podcasts and see the Podcast we’ve called “Taking the Piss” or click here).
- Fox, D. R. (2010) Statistics and Biosecurity. Issues, 90, 29-33. (pdf file – 137K)
- Statistical Methods for Biosecurity and Monitoring and Surveillance: Part I – Control Charts (pdf file – 1.01 Mb)
- Statistical Methods for Biosecurity and Monitoring and Surveillance: Final Report Part I (pages 1-78) (pdf file – 4 Mb)
- Chapter 1: “Basic Control Charting”
- Chapter 2: “Bayesian Control Charting”
- Chapter 3: “Space-Time Disease Spread”
- Statistical Methods for Biosecurity and Monitoring and Surveillance: Final Report Part II (pages 79-150) (pdf file – 3 Mb)
- Chapter 4: “Sensor Network Optimisation”
- Chapter 5: “Robust Methods for Biosurveillance”
- References and Appendices
- (Published by The Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis)
- Fox, D.R. (2006) Statistical Issues in Ecological Risk Assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 12, 120-129. (pdf file – 176K)
- Fox, D.R. (2005) Statistics, Environmental Health and Risk Assessment, Session IPM007, International Statistical Institute conference, Sydney, April 2005. (pdf file – 28K)
- Fox, D.R. and Thompson, C. (2007) Risk and Uncertainty in Bio-surveillance having Imperfect Detection Rates, BULLETIN of THE INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE – LXII (2007). (pdf file – 222K)
- Fox, D.R. ( unpublished) Opinion: Environmental Statistics – It doesn’t add up! (pdf file – 169K)
- Fox, D.R. (2002) “Global Risk and Sustainability”. In CSIRO Sustainability Network Update #21, 11 December 2002. (pdf file – 940K)
- Fox, D.R. (2001) “Understanding the new ANZECC Water Quality Guidelines”, CSIRO Land and Water, Perth WA. (pdf file – 328K)
- Study close-out: Prof. David Fox’s celebration speech (pdf file 285K)
- Volume 1 of Final Report (pdf file – 3.45Mb)
- Minister’s Media Release (pdf file – 81.5K)
- CSIRO’s Media Release (pdf file – 222K)
- AAP Newswire (pdf file – 29K)
- SA EPA Summary Brochure (pdf file – 962K)
- ABC News (pdf file– 235K)
- Catchment-wide estimation of nutrient loads (pdf file – 3.17 Mb)
- Protocols for the optimal measurement of nutrient loads (pdf file – 4.05Mb)
- A Statistical Method for Assessing Compliance with Nutrient Reduction Targets (pdf file – 285K)
- Protocols for the optimal measurement and estimation of nutrient loads – Error Approximations (pdf file – 167K)
- GUMLEAF Reference Manual (pdf file– 1.67MB)
- A Coupled Transfer Model and Composite Sampling Strategy for Efficient Mass Load Estimation ( in prep/under review). (pdf file – 1748K)
- Quantifying the Uncertainty of Nutrient Load Estimates in the Shepparton Irrigation Region. (pdf file – 354K)
Port of Melbourne Channel Deepening Project (PoMC CDP)
( see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Phillip_Channel_Deepening_Project for background information)
- Statistical Aspects of Turbidity Monitoring – Setting Environmental Limits (pdf file – 645K)
- Statistical Aspects of Turbidity Monitoring – Control Charting (pdf file – 1.15MB)
- Supplementary Statement to Panel Inquiry (pdf file – 168K)
- Independent Expert Group Advice on POMC’s Environmental Management Plan, 6 September 2007 (pdf file – 83K)
- Minister’s Assessment (pdf file – 989K)
- Final EMP (pdf file – 11.6MB)
- Turbidity Detailed Design Document (pdf file – 936K)
Power System Simulation
- Fox, D.R. (1978) “Mathematical Models of the Power Production System of Victoria”. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Monash University, Clayton, Australia. ( pdf file – 4795K)
Water Quality Monitoring
Menzies, D., Patison, KP, Fox, DR, Swain, DL. ( 2016) A scoping study to assess the precision of an automated radiolocation animal tracking system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 124:175-183. (pdf file – 328K)
Johnson, S., Logan, M., Fox, D., Pinto, U. (2016 ) Environmental Decision-Making using Bayesian Networks: Creating an environmental report card. Invited paper for Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. (pdf file – 1,221K)
Fox, D.R. (2014), “Probability Weighted Indices for improved ecosystem report card scoring”, Environmetrics, 25(5), 351-360.
- Fox, D.R. (2013) Statistical Issues Associated with the Development of an Ecosystem Report Card. Client report to Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership, 13 December 2013. ( pdf file – 2.15Mb)
- Warne, M.J., Batley, G.E., Braga, O., Chapman, J.C., Fox, D.R., Hickey, C.W., Stauber, J.L., Van Dam, R. (2014) “Revisions to the derivation of the Australian and New Zealand guidelines for toxicants in fresh and marine waters”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(1), 51-60. (pdf file – 318K).
- Fox, D.R. (2010) Desired and Feared – Quo vadis or Quid agis ?, The American Statistician , 64(1 ), 6-9. (pdf file – 70K)
- Fox, D.R. (2001) Environmental Power Analysis – A New Perspective , Environmetrics , 12 , 437-449. (pdf file – 124K)
- Siwabessy , J., Penrose 1 ,J., Kloser , R., Fox, DR. (1999). Seabed habitat classification. Shallow Survey ’99 – International Conference on High Resolution Surveys in Shallow Water. Sydney, Australia. Oct 1999. (pdf file – 124K)
- Campbell, E., Fox, D.R., and Bates, B.(1999) A Bayesian approach to parameter estimation and pooling in nonlinear flood event models. Water Resources Research , 35(1 ), 211-220. ( )
- Fox, D.R. (1992) A Simple Protocol for Radiation Dosimetry based on the Order Statistics from a Poisson Process , Environmetrics , 3(3) , 301-318. (pdf file – 820K) [Also discussed in “Environmental Biometrics: Summary of Papers Presented at the International Conference on Environmental Biometrics, Sydney, Australia, 14-15 December 1992” by Evans & Piegorsch pdf file – 812K]
- Fox, D.R., Ridsdill-Smith, J (1995) Tests for density dependence revisited. ,Oecologia , 103(4) , 435-443. ( pdf file )
- Fox, D.R. (1989) Computer selection of size-biased samples. The American Statistician, 43(3), 168-171. ( pdf file – 112K)
- Fox, D.R. (1986) MINITAB as a teaching aid for generalized linear models. Pacific Statistical Congress, I.S. Francis, B.F.J. Manly, F.C. Lam (Eds). Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland). 317-320. ( pdf file – 398K)
- Fox, D.R. (1982) A Mathematical Model for Audio Cassette Playing Time. Vinculum (a publication of the Mathematical Association of Victoria, Australia), 19(3), 16-18 (pdf file – 566K)